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Beetles will request expressions of interest from potential coaches each season. Coaches are appointed to teams based on the coach’s request and/or preferences and agreement of the suitability by the Beetles committee.


Team managers are requested for each team at the beginning of the season by the team coaches.


Where more than one individual nominates to act as coach or manager of a team, the management committee will select its preferred candidate(s). One member may be appointed to a role individually, or two members may be appointed to share a role.


According to a Netball Queensland ruling, the Under 7 to Under 10 age groups are non-competitive and teams are generally put together based on friendship groups. At registration, players may nominate a friend with whom they would like to be placed in a team.


The under 7 to under 9 teams are not graded but will be placed in the competition based on playing history. For example: an U9 team which is comprised of all new players should ideally not be placed in the MDNA competition with an U9 team of players who have played for the last two years.


Under 10’s are non-competitive, however, are graded by MDNA for the season’s competition and as such Beetles will also grade players based on skill development to promote the individual players progression towards competitive netball. Coaches’ feedback from previous years is sought to assist in this process.


Teams in the Under 10 age group will play to the full rules of netball, but no finals are played. Games played in U7 to U9 are not scored.


Teams playing in the 11 year age group and above play competitive netball according to the age criteria below. Given this, Beetles Netball Club grades players and allocates them to teams based on ability, skill and age. Consequently, the club runs grading sessions to assist with team composition and determining in which division teams should be placed for the upcoming day season.

  • Club team grading is an extensive process, involving many previous and current coaches as coordinated by the Grading Coordinator. Players are given the opportunity to nominate their preferred positions and the player’s position, skill and abilities are recorded by the grading coaches. Their findings are discussed at length with the coordinator during and after the grading sessions. The Grading Coordinator collects all the documentation at the completion of session. These assessments in conjunction with the feedback for the player’s coach from the previous season contribute to the formation of teams for the upcoming season.

  • Teams are selected by the Grading Coordinator based primarily on the age group grading session in conjunction with recommendations and general feedback from coaches and selectors. The Grading Coordinator has the final say on team selection. The Beetles Grading Coordinator in consultation with the committee has the ability to move players from teams at their discretion.

  • Special needs requests can be made in writing to the Grading Coordinator for consideration. These requests will be considered when it will not affect other players directly. For example, adding players to a full team or leaving another team short of players will not be considered.
    Only financial players will be available for selection. No preference is given to one player over another when it comes to selection, except where particular playing positions are required.

  • Eligible players will be played up out of their age group (if necessary) to extend and develop their abilities at the discretion of the management committee and in line with MDNA requirements.
    If a player is unable to attend grading sessions, the player will be best placed in a team according to previous knowledge of the player by the committee, Grading Coordinator and feedback from the previous season’s coach and the playing position of the player.

  • Players new to the Beetles Netball Club who are unable to grade, will be placed in a team based on the information the player has provided on registration. This will include the players previous club and the division played. If the information is not available and cannot be obtained from their caregiver, the player will be simply placed in a team with an available space.
    Paper grading may be used for some older teams such as Cadets and Open divisions, who choose not to attend grading and where there is little change of the players from the previous year. Knowledge of players and supplied feedback from the team coach is used to grade players and place them into teams of their appropriate skill level.

  • Parents with specific requests based on challenging family situations such as custody issues are encouraged to contact the committee as soon as practical. These situations will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the committee to provide the best outcome for the player.

  • Please consult the club’s website for dates and times of grading sessions for the upcoming season. Grading sessions follow the registration period to allow adequate time to allocate coaches to teams.


Beetles provide at least one grading session per age group and unfortunately due to time contrictions on our vounteer's and court access, further grading times are only offered if they are needed. Players are encouraged to attend grading for a fair team placement.


Generally, Beetles teams comprise of around 9 players to maximise court time for all. However, where player availability is more variable such as teams comprising high school and university students, teams may include up to 12 players.


Allocating individual player court time is the responsibility of the team’s coach and is based on the needs of the team. The committee encourages coaches to share court time equally amongst players where possible during the regular season. During finals the committee will not influence the coach’s decisions.


A huge number of volunteer hours are involved every year in assigning around 300 - 400 players each season across 30 - 40 teams. The committee does its best to group players based on the grading days, coaches’ feedback, past playing experience and friendship groups. (NB: U7-U9 teams are assigned based on previous playing level and friendship groups).


If you are dissatisfied with a team allocation, please contact the club as soon as possible for a committee member to discuss your concerns.

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© 2021 by Beetles Netball Club. 

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